For the next few posts, I’m going to be writing about inspiration. I want to lean into this word and learn more, and to allow it to form how we’re thinking, being, and acting. So return to read more, and hopefully be inspired!
As an artist, I’ve often heard or used phrases myself such as, “I was inspired by... or this person or situation was an inspiration for me to in turn do/make something else.” My thinking about inspiration was limited to something that spontaneously found it’s way to me, something that I may not have been even aware. The other way I saw inspiration was as a launching off place that in turn triggered something else, whether it was a thought, idea, created image or object. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I started thinking about inspiration from a widened lens and a more intentional perspective. My thinking about it changed and I started looking at inspiration as necessary fuel for my whole life, not just my creative output.
One thing that I enjoy learning from is word definitions. So, when I was wanting to know more about inspiration, I turned to the dictionary. Interestingly enough, when I read the full definition of inspiration it finally made sense to me as why it is so critical in our lives. Here’s what it said:
in·spi·ra·tion [ˌinspəˈrāSH(ə)n] NOUN
the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
* the quality of being inspired, especially when evident in something.
* a person or thing that inspires.
2. the drawing in of breath; inhalation.
The first definition was the one that had always resonated with me for the word inspiration. It was that second one which took me by complete surprise - inspiration is inhaling or breathing. Wow! Now it made sense to me why I was beginning to see why inspiration was so important, because it is imperative for living. To be inspired isn’t something we can afford to be occasionally, once in awhile, or when we have the time. We need inspiration, just like breathing, to live.
This little lesser known definition at the end of the list, has been a game changer for me. It’s meant changing my priorities to not wait for inspiration to find me, but rather to intentionally pursue avenues of inspirations actively and regularly. What inspires me and you may be vastly different, but whatever it is, we must decide that it is important and valuable, and recognize that our lives will either flourish with it or languish without it.
So now that we know that inspiration is imperative for healthy, vital living, what’s next?? In the coming weeks I’ll be sharing more about inspiration-what can get in the way, how we can intentionally pursue it, and how that can lead to a life that’s abundant, creative, and an inspiration to others!
One way to lean more into inspiration is to attend my Creāre Workshop on inspiration! Living Into Your Creative Potential, is all about finding your inspired pathways and how they can fuel your wholehearted life revolution! To Learn more about Creāre, click on the tab below: